
Donor Guidance on Business Environment Reform (BER) and Gender

Gender-sensitive reform of the complex policy, legal, institutional, and regulatory conditions that govern business activities has the potential to positively impact women’s economic empowerment, support the fight against poverty and contribute to business and macroeconomic performance.

This project on the theme of business environment reform and gender involved conducting research on behalf of the Business Environment Working Group (BEWG) of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED), funded by German Development Cooperation, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the UK’s Department of International Development (DFID).

The study addressed the following questions: What are the factors in the business environment that have a direct and specific impact on women-owned and managed enterprises and the employment of women? ; and What are the related lessons learned from previous and existing programmes of how DCED members can identify, measure and manage gender in business environment reform (BER) programmes? 

The methodology for this research consisted of a desk-based literature review and stocktake of existing donor programmes that address gender and business environment reform related topics, complemented by stakeholder consultation conducted via telephone interviews. 

In doing so, this research resulted in a Technical Paper on Business Environment Reform and Gender and included  a collection of practical insights on challenges and lessons learned from existing gender-sensitive BER donor programmes in developing countries.

“A range of factors in the business environment have a direct and specific impact on women-owned and managed enterprises and the employment of women.”